Oral Presentation Guidelines
Poster Presentation Guidelines
The time allotted for each oral presentation is 20 minutes. You should plan to speak for 15 minutes and leave 5 minutes for questions. With parallel sessions, it is critical that presenters adhere to the allotted time for the overall success of the conference. Session chairs are instructed to follow the schedule strictly.Each session room is equipped with standard audio/video equipment including a computer and a projector. All presenters are requested to visit the Speaker Ready Room at least one day prior to the session to upload their presentations (if not done so on Sunday) and verify the compatibility and proper operation. Presentation and associated files should be provided to the technician on a USB drive. The computers will be equipped with Microsoft PowerPoint and files should be provided in a compatible format. We recommend that presentations are formatted for widescreen (16:9).
Maximum poster size is 45 in. (115 cm) wide by 45 in. (115 cm) high. Do not exceed the maximum poster size as your poster will not fit in the space available. Poster board allocations will be provided to presenters upon check-in. The official poster sessions will take place on Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 August. However, posters will be available for viewing until Thursday. All odd numbered poster presenters are encouraged to stand by their posters during the poster session on Monday 19 August and even numbered poster presenters on Tuesday 20 August to facilitate interaction with the high number of participants. Posters should be set up anytime between 16:00 Sunday 18 August and 15:00 Monday 19 August and must be taken down before 13:00 on Thursday 22 August. Posters not claimed will be recycled at the end of the conference.
This competition is open to all Master’s and Doctoral students who are the presenting author for poster presentation and who are registered to the IGS 2019. The posters will be judged in two categories: 1) Natural (sea ice and glacial physics, chemistry and biology), and 2) Technical (method development, modelling, engineering and remote sensing). Three awards will be given in each of the two categories, valued at $750 CAD for first place, $500 CAD for second place and $250 CAD for third place. Each contestant is only eligible for one poster award. The graduate student poster award winners will be announced, and prizes awarded at the Banquet Dinner on the evening of Thursday 22 August 2019.